Category Archives: FaithJourney

Truthful Part 2

I always try to write from my heart, a place where I’m real, but today…it’s going to be extra “raw.” I write from a place of pain. My heart aches excruciatingly. But deep inside, I know that it’s a “good pain.” I’m not an athlete, but I think those who are will be able to… Continue Reading

Goal for 2013: Truthful

TRUTHFUL. That’s the word God placed on my heart for 2013. And already, it’s been a challenging word to strive for. I suffer from People Pleasing Disorder. My greatest fear is letting someone down. At a glance, it seems like a humble, selfless trait. It’s not. It’s actually very selfish and prideful. I do not… Continue Reading

Reflection on 2012

What a year this has been. At the beginning of the year, the word I believe God placed in my heart for 2012 was “FRUITFUL.” I desired 2012 to be a year I produced much fruit within myself, through my life (which includes my writing), through our finances, and through our family. So here’s looking… Continue Reading

Grass is Greener

Let’s face it…as women, we compare. All the time. We compare ourselves to other women in areas that matters to us the most. For some of us, it may be looks or career. For me, it’s marriage and parenting. Even when I have it so good most of the time (such as in my marriage),… Continue Reading

Random Post: Family Values

I am having a serious writer’s block right now; please pray for me. I started writing two posts; deleted both. Nothing is flowing. So here is my random post. Right now, we are in the middle of restructuring our family schedule and strategies for the fall. I’ve been thinking a lot about our family values.… Continue Reading

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